Froggy: Why did the scientist take out his doorbell?
Cheeku: He wanted to win the no-bell prize!
Jumbo: How will you distribute 8 mangoes between 6 peopel?
Browny Bear: By making a mango milkshake!
Froggy: Why did the scientist take out his doorbell?
Cheeku: He wanted to win the no-bell prize!
Jumbo: How will you distribute 8 mangoes between 6 peopel?
Browny Bear: By making a mango milkshake!
Jumpy Monkey: What did the tree say to the wind?
Meeku: Leaf me alone!
Jumbo Elephant: Why did the computer go to the doctor?
Foxy Fox: It had a virus!
Sher Singh: I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what to do. Any Ideas?
Blacky Bear: Why don’t you use some glue? That way, it won’t split.
Jumpy Monkey: Why are there big stone in my plate of rice?
Cheeku: That is because small stones will be difficult for you to pick.
Cheeku: Can you give me a sentence using the word “gruesome”?
Henry Hen: My mother wanted some carrots. So my father gruesome (grew some).
Damru: Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?
Freddy Frog: Because it is ‘two-tired”! (Too tired).
Jumbo Elephant: What never ask questions but receives a lot of answers?
Damru Donkey: The Telephone.
Sher Singh: How many months have 28 days?
Jumpy Monkey: All of them!
Foxy Fox: What do you call a funny mountain?
Froggy Frog: Hill-arious!
Blacky Bear: Where do ants go for vacations?
Jumbo Elephant: Ant-artica!
Cheeku: Your attendance is very low. I cannot allow you to sit for the exams.
Meeku: Never mind, sir. I will take them standing.
Henry Hen: What does a bicycle call its dad?
Jumpy Monkey: A popsicle! (Pop- cycle).
Jumpy Monkey: Which city is the most dangerous city?
Meeku: Electricity
Sher Singh: The Arabian sea belongs to which state?
Meeku: Liquid State
Foxy Fox: Where was the first cricket match held?
Damru Donkey: In the cricket stadium?
Cheeku: What is the favourite subject of a snake?
Meeku: Hiss..tory.
Henry Hen: How does a film star stay cool?
Jumpy Monkey: Because he has many friends.
Cheeku: What has a head and a tail but is not alive?
Meeku: A coin!
Jumbo Elephant: What will a buffalo give if you milk it after an earthquake?
Damru: A milkshake.
Jumpy Monkey: How will you catch a squirrel?
Franky Frog: Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
Blacky Bear: When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?
Foxy Fox: If you are a mouse.
Henry Hen: Why are there so many types of blood group?
Franky Frog: So that mosquitoes can enjoy different flavours.
Sher Singh: Why are you reading the Blood Bank in class?
Cheeku: Sir, because I have my Blood test tomorrow.
Henry Hen: Why do bees have sticky hair?
Jumpy Monkey: Because they use a honey comb!
Foxy Fox: What do you call a bird that stand in a row?
Jumpy Monkey: A spar-row!
Blacky Bear: If a barrel weighs 10 kilogrammes, what must you add to it to make it 5 kilogrammes?
Jumbo Elephant: Holes?
Franky Frog: Which was the first Hindi silent film?
Meeku: If it was a silent film then how do we know that it was in hindi?
Sher Singh: Do you know why freedom fighters were telling Simon to go back?
Cheeku: Because he was standing in the front.
Henry Hen: What do you call a sleeping bull.
Meeku: A bull dozer.
Sher Singh: What cut would you like to get? U-cut, step cut, feather-cut…
Jumpy Monkey: Hair cut.
Cheeku: Hey, join these two sentences: I was cycling to school. I saw a frog.
Franky Frog: I saw a frog cycling to school.
Blacky Bear: How does a skeleton call his friend?
Sher Singh: Using a telebone!
Damru: Why are you jumping up and down instead of drinking your medicine?
Jumpy: Because it says so on the lable.
Sher Singh: Why have you got a zero in your English paper?
Franky Frog: It’s not a zero. The teacher ran out of stars so she has given me the moon instead!
Henry Hen: What food do robbers like?
Cheeku: Takeaways!
Jumpy Monkey: Can someone tell me what a cyclone is?
Ted Toad: A loan for cycle is a cyclone (Cycle-loan)
Jumbo Elephant: Where do ghosts go for a swim?
Blacky Bear: to the Dead Sea!
Meeku: What kind of flower do you want on Valentine’s Day?
Cheeku: A Cauli flower!
Foxy Fox: Jumpy, why are you solving your math sums on the floor?
Jumpy Monkey: Because you told me to solve them without tables!
Ted Toad: When do you stop at green and go at red?
Henry Hen: When you are eating a watermelon.
Jumpy Monkey: What starts and ends with an ‘e’ but has one letter?
Meeku: An Envelope.
Cheeku: Why do hummingbirds hum?
Damru: Because they forgot the words.
Sher Singh: What goes around wood but never gets inside it.
Jumbo: The bark of tree!
Foxy Fox: Why does water move more freely than a solid?
Damru: Because water moves on a cycle (water cycle)
Cheeku: I am a 5 letter word. Even if you remove 1st, 3rd, and 5th letters and pronounce me, I sound the same. Identify me
Jumbo: Empty
Damru: Cheeku, what is the chemical formula for water?
Cheeku: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O
Damru: What are you talking about?
Cheeku: Yesterday, you said it was H to O.
Jumpy Monkey: What is a butterfly?
Henry Hen: A fly that eats butter!
Cheeku: If there are ten cats in a boat and one jumps out, how many are left?
Meeku: None, they are all copycats!