The Plants Started Smiling

Kiku was a notorious child and each time he entered the garden all the flowers- marigold, jasmine, gulmohar and rose felt scared and angry. They whispered to each other, “The naughty boy is here. He will pluck us and pull off our tender leaves.”

The marigold plant on the side said, “Jasmine dear, he tramples my tiny plants under his feet. It hurts me so much.”

And soon what the flower plants were saying came to be true as Kiku started plucking and breaking all the flowers one by one.

Just then his sister came into the garden and saw him plucking the flowers and shouted at him, “Kiku, you are again breaking the flowers and the plants. How many times I have said that you are not to pluck and break the flowers! What do you get by breaking them?”

Unaffected by his sister’s words he laughed loudly.

“Wait, I will teach you a lesson,” she said and ran after him. Kiku started running in the garden while his sister tried to catch him.

Suddenly, he bumped into a flowerpot and fell down with a big thud and hurt his hand against the stone fence. At the sight of his bleeding wound, Kiku got scared and started to cry in pain. On hearing the noise his mother came out of the house and looked at Kiku’s wound.

“Look, mummy, Kiku plucked all the flowers again,” his sister complained to their mother and told her everything.

“Go inside quickly and bring some cotton and antiseptic cream,” mother told the sister.

“See, Kiku, how much it pains when you get hurt! And you hurt these flowers and plants everyday. They too feel the pain as you do,” Kiku’s mother tried to explain him.

Kiku was confused by what his mother was saying about plants. He said “Mummy, how can plants feel pain? They are lifeless like my toys.”

“No son, they too have life in them like us,” said his mother.

“If they have life like us, why do they keep standing in one place? Why don’t they walk and run like us?” Kiku asked his mother.

“Kiku, they are fixed to the soil with their roots. They get their nourishment from the soil. You have seen that if we do not water the plants, they dry up and die. The green leaves become yellow or grey,” his mother explained.

“Do the plants also eat food? Who cooks food for them?” Kiku asked innocently.

His mother smiled. She replied, “The plants make their own food with the help of sun rays. They get their energy from the sun. And with the help of this energy their roots take the nourishing matter from the soil and send it to the stems. From the stems the nourishing materials go to the branches and then to the leaves, which are the food factory of the plant.”

Kiku still could not understand. So, his mother said, “Okay, tell me one thing. When you pluck flowers, then don’t new flowers grow again on the plants in a few days? This is because they have life in them. You must have seen small plants growing and becoming big. Do your toys ever grow?”


Kiku realized what his mother was trying to make him understand. “I had not thought about this, he said.

Meanwhile his sister brought the medicine and cotton. Kiku’s mother cleaned the wound with water and cotton and put ointment on it.

Kiku apologized to his sister and said, “Now I have realized my mistake. I will not pluck flowers or break their leaves or trample on plants. I did not realize they were living things and get hurt.”

Hearing this not only his mother and sister became happy, with them all the plants too started smiling in relief.

Don’t Hurt Plants

Jumbo elephant had a beautiful garden with different varieties of flowers. Gardening had become his passion. He planted new trees, flowering bushes and maintained his garden very well.

“Trees and plants are the pride of the Earth. They are the one to provide us with life,” sang Jumbo while watering his plants.

“Wow Jumbo, you have such beautiful flowers in your garden!” said Cheeku rabbit as he was crossing Jumbo’s house.

“Oh thank you, Cheeku. I love to take care of them,” said Jumbo while looking at his plants lovingly.

“You sure do. If I need some flowers for my house, I will take them from your garden only,” said Cheeku, touching one of the flowering plants.

Jumbo was not happy with what Cheeku had said. “Beware Cheeku. Don’t you dare touch that flower!” he said.

“What happened Jumbo? Why are you getting so mad at me?” asked Cheeku, a little shocked.

Jumbo said, “You were going to pluck my beautiful flowers and I shouldn’t even get angry? Do you know that even plants and flowers have life and when someone plucks them, they feel the pain?”

Cheeku did not seem to agree with what Jumbo was saying. “It is not so Jumbo,” said Cheeku.

This made Jumbo angrier. “Come here, I will pick you up and throw you down. Then let’s see whether you feel the pain or not,” he said angrily.

Jumbo quickly moved his trunk towards Cheeku to scare him. Cheeku ran away from there.

“Cheeku is worried about his pain. For him, it is fun to crush plants and pluck flowers. He does not think how much pain my dear plants will feel if he plucks them,” Jumbo mumbled to himself. He took a good look at his garden once again and went inside the house.

In the evening, Meeku mouse was passing by Jumbo’s house, riding his bicycle. As he was crossing Jumbo’s garden, Meeku’s bicycle wheel got stuck in a pothole and he lost his balance.

Meeku fell down on a bush in Jumbo’s garden along the road. Some plants and flowers were crushed because of Meeku and his bicycle falling on them.

Jumbo was reading inside his home when he heard the loud noise of the crash. He rushed out to see what had happened.

Jumbo was furious to see his plants damaged, the flowers crushed and the mud scattered all around.

Jumbo shouted, “You useless mouse. You have damaged my plants! You did not think about the pain they would feel.  I will lift you and throw you on the ground. Maybe that’s when you’ll understand how much pain you’ve given my plants.”

Meeku tried to explain his side of the story but Jumbo was in no mood to listen. He wrapped his trunk around Meeku and picked him up.

“Jumbo, forgive me. I did not do this on purpose. I lost my balance because of the pothole and crashed into your garden,” pleaded Meeku.

But Jumbo was still furious.

“If you don’t know how to ride a bicycle then you shouldn’t ride it. I am not going to listen to any of your excuses. Today I will show you what pain is,” Jumbo continued as he shook Meeku with his trunk.

Meeku was too scared. Jumbo was just about to throw him to the ground when Cheeku came there.

“Jumbo put Meeku down! You’ve been thinking of the pain we would cause to your plants but are you thinking about the pain you’re putting Meeku through?  He has been your friend for so many years and yet look at the way you’re treating him,” said Cheeku loudly.

Jumbo was surprised with what Cheeku had just said. “What are you saying Cheeku?” said Jumbo, calming down.

Cheeku explained gently, “Jumbo, you are getting angry because your plants are hurt. But what about the hurt that you are causing Meeku? Is it right to hurt someone to make them understand how much pain you or your plants are feeling?”

Jumbo realised his mistake. “I am sorry Meeku,” he said.

“I forgot that it is wrong to hurt others for my love of plants. I will not hurt others to give this message,” said Jumbo as he placed Meeku on the ground.children fiction

Jumbo then started to clear the destroyed plants and both Meeku and Cheeku helped him in the garden work. Jumbo realised that his blind love for plants had been hurtful to his friends. He now knew that both were equally important.