Comedy circuit

Froggy: Why did the scientist take out his doorbell?

Cheeku: He wanted to win the no-bell prize!



Jumbo: How will you distribute 8 mangoes between 6 peopel?

Browny Bear: By making a mango milkshake!

Laugh Out Loud

Sher Singh: I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what to do. Any Ideas?

Blacky Bear: Why don’t you use some glue? That way, it won’t split.




Jumpy Monkey: Why are there big stone in my plate of rice?

Cheeku: That is because small stones will be difficult for you to pick.


Smile With All Your Heart

Cheeku: Can you give me a sentence using the word “gruesome”?

Henry Hen: My mother wanted some carrots. So my father gruesome (grew some).




Damru: Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?

Freddy Frog: Because it is ‘two-tired”! (Too tired).



Frantic Antic

Cheeku: Your attendance is very low. I cannot allow you to sit for the exams.

Meeku: Never mind, sir. I will take them standing.




Henry Hen: What does a bicycle call its dad?

Jumpy Monkey: A popsicle! (Pop- cycle).

Tittering Sniggering

Blacky Bear: When is it bad luck to be followed by  a black cat?

Foxy Fox: If you are a mouse.



Henry Hen: Why are there so many types of blood group?

Franky Frog: So that mosquitoes can enjoy different flavours.


Ludicrous Toons


Sher Singh: Why are you reading the Blood Bank in class?

Cheeku: Sir, because I have my Blood test tomorrow.




Henry Hen: Why do bees have sticky hair?

Jumpy Monkey: Because they use a honey comb!



Presence of Humour

Foxy Fox: What do you call a bird that stand in a row?

Jumpy Monkey:  A spar-row!




Blacky Bear: If a barrel weighs 10 kilogrammes, what must you add to it to make it 5 kilogrammes?

Jumbo Elephant: Holes?


Mirthful Disaster

Damru: Why are you jumping up and down instead of drinking your medicine?

Jumpy: Because it says so on the lable.




Sher Singh: Why have you got a zero in your English paper?

Franky Frog: It’s not a zero. The teacher ran out of stars so she has given me the moon instead!


Laughter House



Foxy Fox: Jumpy, why are you solving your math sums on the floor?

Jumpy Monkey: Because you told me to solve them without tables!



Ted Toad: When do you stop at green and go at red?

Henry Hen: When you are eating a watermelon.




Sher Singh: What goes around wood but never gets inside it.

Jumbo: The bark of tree!





Foxy Fox: Why does water move more freely than a solid?

Damru: Because water moves on a cycle (water cycle)

Amusing Answers

Sher Singh: Is it true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Blacky Bear: Yes, it is true, provided you have good aim.





Foxy Fox: Meeku, why haven’t written anything in your school notebook? Hasn’t your teacher taught you anything?

Meeku: He has. I take down notes as he writes on the board. But when he erases the board, I too erase my notes.