Nelson Mandela Day!

Laugh Out Loud

Sher Singh: I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what to do. Any Ideas?

Blacky Bear: Why don’t you use some glue? That way, it won’t split.




Jumpy Monkey: Why are there big stone in my plate of rice?

Cheeku: That is because small stones will be difficult for you to pick.


Smile With All Your Heart

Cheeku: Can you give me a sentence using the word “gruesome”?

Henry Hen: My mother wanted some carrots. So my father gruesome (grew some).




Damru: Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?

Freddy Frog: Because it is ‘two-tired”! (Too tired).



Frantic Antic

Cheeku: Your attendance is very low. I cannot allow you to sit for the exams.

Meeku: Never mind, sir. I will take them standing.




Henry Hen: What does a bicycle call its dad?

Jumpy Monkey: A popsicle! (Pop- cycle).

Hysteric Antic

Jumbo Elephant: What will a buffalo give if you milk it after an earthquake?

Damru: A milkshake.



Jumpy Monkey: How will you catch a squirrel?

Franky Frog: Climb up a tree and act like a nut.


Tittering Sniggering

Blacky Bear: When is it bad luck to be followed by  a black cat?

Foxy Fox: If you are a mouse.



Henry Hen: Why are there so many types of blood group?

Franky Frog: So that mosquitoes can enjoy different flavours.


Ludicrous Toons


Sher Singh: Why are you reading the Blood Bank in class?

Cheeku: Sir, because I have my Blood test tomorrow.




Henry Hen: Why do bees have sticky hair?

Jumpy Monkey: Because they use a honey comb!