SEO Keywords: funny jokes for kids
The Hungry Snake
The Yoga Teacher
Malala Day
A Sly Trap!
A Cinema Hall!
Nelson Mandela Day!
Meeku & The Horn
The Yoga Class!
Saving Money!
The Picnic!
Monsoon Season
The Clever Pig
Damru & Yoga
Population Day!
Damru’s Sandwich
Damru’s Old Joke!
Laugh Out Loud
Sher Singh: I have a splitting headache. I don’t know what to do. Any Ideas?
Blacky Bear: Why don’t you use some glue? That way, it won’t split.
Jumpy Monkey: Why are there big stone in my plate of rice?
Cheeku: That is because small stones will be difficult for you to pick.
Smile With All Your Heart
Cheeku: Can you give me a sentence using the word “gruesome”?
Henry Hen: My mother wanted some carrots. So my father gruesome (grew some).
Damru: Why can’t a bicycle stand up by itself?
Freddy Frog: Because it is ‘two-tired”! (Too tired).
Laugh all day
Jumbo Elephant: What never ask questions but receives a lot of answers?
Damru Donkey: The Telephone.
Sher Singh: How many months have 28 days?
Jumpy Monkey: All of them!
Twinkling Toons
Foxy Fox: What do you call a funny mountain?
Froggy Frog: Hill-arious!
Blacky Bear: Where do ants go for vacations?
Jumbo Elephant: Ant-artica!
Frantic Antic
Cheeku: Your attendance is very low. I cannot allow you to sit for the exams.
Meeku: Never mind, sir. I will take them standing.
Henry Hen: What does a bicycle call its dad?
Jumpy Monkey: A popsicle! (Pop- cycle).
Meeku- The know it all.
Jumpy Monkey: Which city is the most dangerous city?
Meeku: Electricity
Sher Singh: The Arabian sea belongs to which state?
Meeku: Liquid State
Jovial Cheer
Cheeku: What will you remove from seven to make it even?
Meeku: Just one alphabet. The letter ‘S’!
Freddy Frog: Why shouldn’t you tell jokes to an egg?
Jumpy Monkey: Because it may crack up!
Hola Boffola
Foxy Fox: What do cows listen to on their headphones?
Jumpy Frog: Moo-sic! (Music)
Jumbo Elephant: Rahul, why is your book so old?
Blacky Bear: Because this is my history book!
Snigger- Snicker
Foxy Fox: Where was the first cricket match held?
Damru Donkey: In the cricket stadium?
Cheeku: What is the favourite subject of a snake?
Meeku: Hiss..tory.
Hoodwinking Twists
Henry Hen: How does a film star stay cool?
Jumpy Monkey: Because he has many friends.
Cheeku: What has a head and a tail but is not alive?
Meeku: A coin!
Hysteric Antic
Jumbo Elephant: What will a buffalo give if you milk it after an earthquake?
Damru: A milkshake.
Jumpy Monkey: How will you catch a squirrel?
Franky Frog: Climb up a tree and act like a nut.
Tittering Sniggering
Blacky Bear: When is it bad luck to be followed by a black cat?
Foxy Fox: If you are a mouse.
Henry Hen: Why are there so many types of blood group?
Franky Frog: So that mosquitoes can enjoy different flavours.
Ludicrous Toons
Sher Singh: Why are you reading the Blood Bank in class?
Cheeku: Sir, because I have my Blood test tomorrow.
Henry Hen: Why do bees have sticky hair?
Jumpy Monkey: Because they use a honey comb!