On the way to the market, Damru meets Chintu the notorious monkey who plans to make some money off Damru.
This time Damru got a a job at scientist Dolly Vixen's place.
Learn about the world's most unusual crocodilian with Dadaji.
The platypus is one of the most discrete creatures. Let's learn a few things more with Dadaji you might not have known about this quirky creature.
Riya and Rahul are curious about the space shuttles. Let's find out how Dadaji will help them to learn more about it.
Danny tricked King Mighty to count the stars and made fun of him. He is now in prison. Cheeku is in forest town to help Danny mongoose.
Learn about the importance of inventions with Dadaji.
dadaji and turtles
Learn fascinating facts about sea-turtles with Dadaji.
Cheeku and Meeku decide to help a lost baby shark who wants to go back home. Will they succeed in their plan? Read to find out more.
Damru picks up a thick book which has addresses and phone numbers of people. Damru thinks it is very useful.
Cheeku and Meeku are out for a walk in the freezing winter morning. They saw some leaves on the road, Cheeku find it weird. Read to know more.
Rahul and Riya are curious about the New Year resolutions.
Damru is keen to follow the rule of not attending the phone calls in a moving vehicle.
Damru learnt the real meaning of Homework.
Damru learnt that everything couldn't be stored in a Pen drive.
One must be wise enough to know that a trap is only a trap if you don't know about it.
dadaji and winter
Learn more about winter solstice with Dadaji.
Damru’s Christmas
Damru taught Bholu that christmas is about giving from the heart more than giving from the store.
Damru taught Gori cow that conscience without judgment is superstition.
Learn more about Cactus with Dadaji
Cheeku put an end to Harry's procrastination.
Cheeku is keen to solve the puzzle behind the water balloons shooting.
dadaji and glacier
Learn more about Glaciers with Dadaji
Cheeku brought King Sher Singh back to his senses.
Cheeku and Meeku show the power of running.
Join the dots to find out what are the children doing.
Damru comic
What happens when Damru is asked to put things in the right place.
Cheeku gives Cat an interesting punishment.
Cat almost catches Meeku, but Moti interrupts his plans.
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