Celebrate the World Mosquito Day by solving this crossword puzzle!
Identify all the fruits we enjoy during the monsoon season!
Find as many words as you can from this word search!
Identify the actions and unscramble the words below.
Find the following words related to the rains in the grid!
Join the words to make nine summer related words. Look at the pictures if you need help.
Vocabulary Puzzle
This story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
This story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
Vocabulary Puzzle
This story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
Two words come together to form a new word. This new word is a blended word. Unscramble the following blended words.
This story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
This story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
The story has been written with words and pictures. Can you read it?
Below are list of some famous volcanoes. Break the code and find their names.
Every word in this puzzle includes the alphabets "TE". Use the clues given alongside to complete all the words.
Meeku's Eskimo pen pal sent him this letter. But he wrote it using both letters and words. Can you read it.
Jumpy Monkey has written his New Year Resolution in secret code here. Can you decode it?
words and logic
Every word in this puzzle includes the alphabets "AR". Use the given clues to complete all the words.
sing along
This famous Christmas Carol has been written here using pictures instead of words. Can you guess the words?
Monsoon is here. Can you find the six monsoon-related words in this grid?
Here is a list of six words that are related to the Republic Day celebrations. Unscramble the words and find them in the grid.
Here are the names of some domains and social media websites. Find them in the grid.
These are five flowers. Can you guess what they are?
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