Can you help Avi match the greeting to its country?
Choose the correct mathematical symbols for the equations and celebrate Mathematics Day!
Find the right step from the options to complete Meeku's summersault!
Look at the pictures below and circle the right actions!
Match the World Heritage site to the right country!
Identify which colour is worn on which day of Navratri!
Help Rahul place the book he is holding in the right shelf based on its genre!
Find the missing letters and join them to make some words in Hindi!
Match the teenager to the skill they want to pursue!
Celebrated on July 26! Match the badges to their respective titles.
Celebrate Doctor's Day by matching the images to the Doctor's profession!
Find out more about Zoonoses, an infectious disease!
Match the asana to its name for this International Yoga Day!
A Question of Age Can you solve it?
Ray, the rhino, who was on his way to work, was sprayed with colour by one of the kids playing Holi! Find out who did it.
Solve it
Help Shweta complete her Geography homework. Fill each blank with the correct options given on the right.
Solve it
Some very healthy foods have been shown here. But their names have got scrambled. Can you unscramble them and write the names in the blank spaces? 
Solve it
Three sailors are shipwrecked on an island. They are sending smoke signals to catch the attention of a passing aeroplane. But only one of their signals has reached the pilot. Can you tell whose smoke signal is it?
solve it
Match these four types of transport systems to the cities they are unique to.
solve it
Who broke into the bakery? Help Inspector Daboo in identifying the burglar among the five suspects using the photos and clues from the crime scene.
hidden picture
Read the poem given below and find the objects mentioned in bold.
puzzles for kids
Here are some fruits that can help you keep cool in summer. Identify them and find them in the grid below.
puzzle for kids
Anjana and Anoop were packing their suitcases for their holidays. Anjana was headed to Goa, while Anoop was headed to Kullu-Manali. But both of them dropped their bags and the items got mixed. Identify which item goes into which suitcase.
puzzle for kids
Out of the five sand castles that Priya and Prajun have built, two are identical. Can you spot them?
Puzzle jumble words
Test your general knowledge with this puzzle from Champak!
Can you identify these UN agencies based on their logos?
Help Mahesh complete his essay on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Match the indigenous people to the countries they belong to.
Can you match the sport to its corresponding location?
Help Manu place flags on the food to indicate the country of their origin.
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