Marvellous Aunt Maneka

Aunt Maneka loves birds and animals. She is an environmentalist and a Member of Parliament, but her love for animals supersedes both.



Q. Do trees age like humans? How can we tell their age?

-Ishaan Ahuja, 7 years, Mumbai

Marvellous Aunt Maneka

A. Dear Ishaan, Yes. Like humans, trees do age but their lifespan varies for different species. One of the ways of finding out the age of a tree is by counting the rings within their branches and the trunks. These rings usually appear as alternating rings of dark and light shaded wood; you will need to count the number of dark rings to find out the tree’s age. For example, if a tree has 65 dark circles, it is 65 years old. These unique rings are known as growth rings. They are created every year when a new layer of wood is added to the branches and trunk of the tree. The light-coloured rings are known as the springwood and are generally wider in size because trees grow most during spring. The darker rings are known as summerwood and are relatively thinner because the growth of trees slows down during summer.


Q. Why does my cat shed his claws?

Marvellous Aunt Maneka

-Parul Jha, 11 years, Mumbai

A. Dear Parul,When you see a claw lying around the house, there is no need for alarm. Cats shed claws regularly. It’s a natural process that takes place every two to three months. Claws are essential for cats and other members of the cat family, as they use them for defense, climbing and hunting. As the older, outer layer of the claw gets worn out, it is shed, revealing a newer, sharper claw. You can help your cat by making sure there are plenty of options like a door mat or other rough surfaces where it can scratch to remove the older claw.



If you have questions about pets/animals/birds, write to us and we’ll ask Aunt Maneka to answer.

Marvellous Aunt Maneka

Aunt Maneka loves birds and animals. She is an environmentalist and a Member of Parliament, but her love for animals supersedes both.


Q: We have recently moved to a bigger house with a nice garden and trees. My mother put bird feeders in our garden. But there have hardly been any birds that have come to the feeder. I give them mixed pulses soaked and softened in water or I give bread and water. Why won’t the birds come and feed?

-Radha, 10 years, Mumbai


Dear Radha, Birds like to eat from a clean feeder. Make sure the feeder is clean. They don’t come if they feel threatened. Hence the positioning of your feeders plays a very vital role. Place them in a quiet secluded area that doesn’t see much activity. Another reason might be that there are already enough sources of food and water in that area, that the birds don’t need to feed from your feeder. Give the birds dry food as mixed pulses softened in water often get fungi. Be patient. Don’t lose heart. With time you will have more and more birds coming to your garden.


Q. What do I do if I am stung by a bee or wasp?

-Vivek, 8 years, New Delhi


Dear Vivek, A bee stings and leaves its stinger in your skin. This stinger consists of a venom sac which continues to pump the bee toxin into your bloodstream. The first thing to do would be to scrape out the stinger from the base (and not pinch it out from the top because that way the venom sac will be pinched and it’ll squeeze out even more toxin into the blood). The trick is to remove the sting as fast as possible. The most effective way to remove a bee stinger is by scraping the stinger away from the direction that it came from, and this can be achieved by using a driver’s license or credit card.

In case of wasps, though they don’t leave their stings behind, the venom from the sting may also have a similar effect. Once the stinger is removed in case of bee stings) the wound should be washed with soap and water. The easiest kitchen remedies include making a paste of baking soda, or rubbing apple cider vinegar or lemon juice over the stung area. Rubbing a cut potato may have some effect. One can also apply ice. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief (Ask your Doctor). If the person is allergic to bee/wasp venom then seek immediate medical attention especially if the tongue swells, there is difficulty in breathing, you observe a sudden rash, or nausea or blurred vision.

Marvellous Aunt Maneka and Animals

Aunt Maneka will answer questions on how to love animals, feed them, care for them and on an occasional run-in with them what to do!


Q. I want a pet, but I live in an apartment. My mother and father find it hard to control a pet. My sister and I want a dog, but it seems too difficult. Is there any other animal as playful as a puppy that can be easily looked after in a 3 room flat?


-Riti Aggarwal, 8 years, Gurgaon

Answer: Dear Riti, Keeping a kitten is a second option. You do not need to walk him, but you will have to make arrangements for his potty. The cat can be easily toilet trained and needs less space. But avoid buying an animal from a breeder. Adopt a kitten from a local animal shelter.


Q.  I have Budgerigar birds. I have these birds for 4 years, but they are not giving eggs. What should I do?



-Varad Tamhankar, 10 years, Mumbai

Dear Varad, Budgerigars very rarely breed in captivity because they are too young (under 1 year) or too old (5 years). The females have low calcium levels, correct it with cuttle bone, mineral block and a good diet. The cages should be very large with wooden nesting boxes inside them. They will not breed if they have nowhere to lay their eggs and if you are watching them. If they are all in the same cage they might be too busy fighting. So don’t lose hope and try the above. Let me know if they breed. I will be delighted.


Q. I have a rabbit, but he tears books and other important things. I want to help him get rid of that this habit. What may I do?



-Kuldeep Kumar, 8 years, New Delhi

Rabbits are grazing animals. Their teeth keep growing and if they do not chew their teeth, they will not wear down and they will not be able to eat properly. You need to give the rabbit enough outdoor time and enough hard toys and food so that he can chew through them. Paper has cellulose in it. One reason of him chewing the paper is the rabbit may not be getting enough green food. You need to get a list of things that rabbits eat like carrot and ask a vet for safe toys. Your rabbit may also be bored and simply trying to attract attention. Rabbits need companionship. Try getting another rabbit to keep him company. If it is going to be of a different gender then have the male sterilized.


If you have questions about pets/animals/birds, write to us and we’ll ask Aunt Maneka to answer.