Mothers love their children unconditionally. This is not the case in humans alone, because in nature, animal mommies display motherly love and care for their little ones too.
Follow these steps and make your own sundial.
See how the different colours in a wheel disappear and become one colour.
Deep sea creature
Turritopsis dohrnii has inspired scientists to use this process of “rebirth” to try and renew damaged or dead human tissues of a dysfunctional organ and restore it to its normal state.
Cheeku And Meeku are sitting under a tree. Some fruits fall on Meeku's head.
Build a simple parachute to slow down the fall of an object.
Let's make drinking water from salt water!
How To Make An Easy RotoCopte
Follow the simple steps to make a RotoCopter from a colored paper and a little bit of cutting. Watch the full video to learn more.
slippery cardboard
Remove a cardboard from under a ball without lifting it.
rice magnet
Make a magnet to attract puffed rice.
winter sleep winter animals
Winter is the coldest season of the year. Temperature goes down and days get shorter. 
puzzles for kids
Circle 10 differences you can find between the pictures
12 years Andhra Pradesh
Kids Submission
Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
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