Did you know that crows can recognise individual human faces?
Aunt Maneka
Aunt Maneka loves birds and animals. She will answer questions on how to love them, feed them, care for them and on an occasional run-in with them what to do! She is an environmentalist and a Member of Parliament, but her love for animals supersedes both.
us and them
Just as we use words and sentences to talk to one another, giant river otters too have a vocabulary of their own. Scientists have found that their vocabulary consists of 22 sounds or words' to talk to one another.
Marvellous Marvellous Aunt Maneka
Aunt Maneka answers questions on how to love and care for animals!
termite mounds
When the weather gets warm, we switch on the fans or the air conditioners to keep ourselves cool. In the case of termites, they rely on intelligent architecture to maintain optimal temperature.
puzzles for kids
Circle 10 differences you can find between the pictures
12 years Andhra Pradesh
Kids Submission
Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
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