In the forest of Champakvan, Jumpy, the monkey sold watermelons every summer. His watermelons were bright red, juicy and sweet, but for some reason, things looked bleak this summer.
Billy, the ball had been missing all morning and Bittu, the bat was growing worried. The players would be here soon and they'll need Billy for their practice session.
Sammy, the bear had a poultry farm. Every morning, he would go to the chicken coops to collect eggs. But one day, when he opened a coop, he was shocked to see many eggs missing and some were broken.
It was a beautiful and sunny day. Mini, the bird was flying around cheerfully and then decided to perch on a tree and sing. But when she started to sing, she was rudely interrupted. Read more to know what happened.
It was quite late in the night when Jumbo, the elephant was walking home along a deserted stretch of road. Suddenly, a strange-looking object appeared before him.
Meeku, the mouse came back Champakvan after spending his summer vacations in the city. He rushed to the ground to play with his friends in the evening.
Baddy, the fox was very naughty. He loved pulling pranks on people and would tell them things that weren't true. He was so good at telling these lies that everybody believed him.
Uncle Whitey, the rabbit was a film reporter. He has some interesting facts for movie buffs. Read more to find out what he tells about the Indian cinema to Cheeku.
Kavya ran to open the door. Rakesh too was excited to see his favourite niece. He gave her a big hug. They both sat down on the sofa, while Kavya's mother brought a cup of hot tea and some onion pakoras.
Long ago, tigers and lions were unaware of different hunting techniques. So, they would often have nothing to eat. Due to starvation, they became physically weak. They decided to learn the art of hunting.
Sindhu, the sea was sweet and healthy. All who lived close by benefited from its clean and sweet water. The rivers and streams that flowed from the mountains would ultimately empty into the sea. This made him unhappy.
Popo, the peachick lived in Nandanvan with his father Pat, the peacock. Every morning, Pat would go out in search of food, while Popo went out to play with his friends. He would come back home by evening when his father returned.
Brownie always had her eyes on the rabbits that lived in the forest. She'd walk up to their burrow every day and all the rabbits would run helter-skelter.
Anusha and her friends are all set to explore something exciting with their art teacher. On entering the cave, everyone was surprised as the walls of the caves had magnificent paintings and sculptures. Let's join them in their new artistic expedition.
There were dark clouds in the sky and a strong wind but not a single drop of rain had fallen. Rivers and lakes had dried up and the jungle appeared barren. All the animals of Ashoka Woods were worried and they called for a meeting.
It had been raining heavily in Hiravan. Some areas of the forest were flooded with water. Animals had lost their homes and were scampering around searching for new homes.