How will Pilu and Nini's fun experiments help save the Champakvan animals?
King Leonar learns the uniqueness and joy of simple recipes!
Manny and his friends would always make fun of Jimmy, but Jimmy didn't really mind. He was determined to become their friend.
Asha had a doll that she never let Priya play with. Priya could not fight over it for Asha had found a way to deal with this situation.
Jojo and his friends had a great time at the pool party. Though mother advised him to avoid junk food, the temptation was too much for Jojo to resist.
Pritam loved walking in the rain. But today, he did not have his umbrella with him. He did not expect the weather to change so drastically. Since he was just a short distance away from home, he decided to rush back to get his umbrella.
One day, Monu deer was sitting outside his house and eating a guava. Chimpu noticed him from up a tree nearby and had an idea to annoy Pinku. He tip-toed up to Monu, snatched the guava and rushed back up the tree.
Holi is a festival for everyone to have fun but not at the expense of others. Come on! Let's celebrate with the right spirit!
In the jungle of Sonavan, every afternoon, the elephants ran to the river, unmindful of the havoc they created along the way.
Fatty, the bear realized that If you take shortcuts, you get cut short.
One afternoon, Tinku ran out of his house because the food served for lunch was not to his liking. He set off in search of bananas when lo and behold, there was a whole bunch of them right in front of him in a clearing under a tree.
Once Tiblu came to know that a mountaineering camp was being organised in the nearby jungle. So he told his mother that he wanted to go. The Blue Mountain was not too far from Champakvan, and was a well known place for adventure trips.
Seenu was very proud of her eggs and sat on them everyday and kept them warm. She would get up for some time every day to find something to eat. But, one day, Seenu returned to get the shock of her life.
Pussy the cat sat under the shade of a tree, looking forlorn. The reason for her sadness was that, over the years she had put on quite a bit of weight.
Ratu, the mouse loved to draw and paint. His two best friends were his brush and his set of paints. The only animal in the entire forest who appreciated Ratu's drawing and painting was old Lambu, the monkey, who was a painter himself.
The sunbeam kissed the cherry blossom and turned to the dandelion. It gave a lingering, long to kiss the little yellow fellow.
The previous day, Munnu, the mouse had seen Billu, the cat prowling along the path to school, looking for a prey.
One day, a cyclone hit the forest. It rained heavily for days. Nobody could step out. After three days, it finally stopped raining. Coco flew out of his nest to look for some food. He was starving.
Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open.
The news about the beauty parlour spread like wild fire all over the forest and everyone assembled near the old mound to meet Beauty and Rancho, who had also come there.
Barry, the buffalo had won the National Forest Boxing Championship. He began to consider himself better than the rest of the animals.
Bhola, the donkey is worried because his son Lattu does not show any interest in studying. He tried to make him understand that going to school is important. But he hardly listens to him.
The aliens are coming
Tammy learned that rumors are like songbirds; they sound filling but make a poor feast.
Donkey Golu in space
Golu tried harder to open the door. He gathered his full strength and tried to push the door, but it still did not move an inch.
A wicked friendship
Watch how the tables turn on Don hyena and Zoey vulture!
Road safety is a state of mind, accident is an absence of mind.
Coming back from school, Bunny sat down to decide to who she should gift a greeting card as a Valentine gift. Dadi suggested that Bunny should show gratitude towards people who she learns from.
All the animals had been working hard for months preparing for the Champakvan Annual Vegetable Competition.
The birds wondered why Miss Cuckoo had taken so much trouble to have such a grand tea party and gather them all together. And as the saying goes to this day, they thought that she was being “as silly as a cuckoo".
Cheeky, the storybook was the laziest book in the bookshelf. Whenever she thought of resting Venkat picks her up to read. She wanted to rest the whole day, and here she could not rest for a moment.
puzzles for kids
Circle 10 differences you can find between the pictures
12 years Andhra Pradesh
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Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
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