Everybody was suffering because of the heat. The ponds and rivers had dried up and the leaves had all turned yellow. All the animals were gloomy and there was not a single light moment to be shared.
Richie was so cute and so loved that all the neighbourhood kids wanted to play with him. With all the attention he was getting, Richie grew up to be a spoilt little rabbit.
Within a few days, there was a bank in Sundarban. Dummy along with his friends Montu, the monkey and Ricky, the rabbit went to the new bank to get their accounts made.
Rambo lazed around all day. When he was bored, he ate as much as he could and roamed around the forest looking for the next animal he can play a prank on.
Tillu, the jackal was very clever. He loved tricking everyone. One night, he was on the lookout for somebody he could play a trick on. That's when he spotted Bholu, the donkey.
There was a shortage of water in the jungle. Ponds and lakes were drying up. Sona Lake was the only water body in the jungle that still had some water.
Soon, all the cats began using the mouse traps to catch mice. Wherever they would see a burrow, they would leave a piece of bread in the mousetrap and place it nearby. The mice being simpleminded would get caught.
Kala's mother has agreed to plan a unique trip for them only on one condition that they won't spend any time on the computer or internet during that trip.
In a jungle, there lived a billy-goat and his wife. The wife's name was Manmanjari. She loved her husband very much. A jackal too lived in that Jungle.
It was a sunny afternoon of the summer season. One of these plants was a Hibiscus plant was called Tinku. He was feeling tired and sleepy when it spotted another little Hibiscus plant at the end of the road below the apartment.
Tenten Parrot was extremely naughty. He was always engaged in some prank or the other. All the other parrots of Sundarvan were quite irritated by his antics.
Whenever King Mohanchandra went to another country, he bought lots of gifts and toys for the Prince. Prince Nitin was a charming boy and was loved by everyone. And he had become very naughty and stubborn.
As she waited, Megha noticed that Neeti helped her mom with a lot of things. Seeing all this, Megha was surprised. She thought to herself, "I've never helped mom with anything. I never imagined how tired she must feel at the end of the day?"
Every year, on Mother's Day, Mandira would give a gift to her mother sometimes it would be a greeting card and sometimes, a bouquet of flowers. This year, she still hadn't decided on a gift for Mother's Day which was just a week away.
One day when Sonu had entered their neighbour's kitchen looking for food, one of the people living there opened the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. The light from the fridge caught Sonu's attention and what was inside kept him glued.
The kid's naughtiness was beginning to worry their mother. When she would ask them to help out with the housework, they would make some excuse or another and escape.
Chuchu gave Milly a big hug and promised not to do a single naughty thing again. He learned that no prank will make him feel as good as being hugged by his mother does.
One day, Kiku, the kingfisher was sitting on a tree. He saw his friend Lolo, the lamb walking by. Just as Kiku was about to call out to him, he spotted Trixie, the vixen hiding behind the bushes just up ahead.
Sunny, Marty and Coco were playing on the branch of a tree. Suddenly, they saw an aeroplane up in the sky. They had never seen an aeroplane before and were shocked to see one.